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Adventure is what  comes to my mind, day in and day out, within the sorroundings of my studio in sunny Arizona.


Work and tought. Hand weaving the idea...walking around the object in mind..then, a design. Thus touchable work of art . no matter how simple it looks or how complicated it may become, is there...and it is art.


The adventure and the discovery that goes hand in hand, for any of us is a thrill, for others a chance. It may be a desire to know more or just simple curiosity.


Whatever it may be, please feel free to share your taughts. The very nature of what I do comes from my clients minds, a richful source of ideas to be mixed with mine.

I am a Jewelry Designer awaiting  for you , your ideas, your needs and your wants for the next jewelry piece you waited for so long to wear.


Welcome to my world.


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